On Saturday, the International Coalition jets threw leaflets on areas controlled by the “ISIS organization” in the eastern countryside of DeirEzzor, asking the residents to leave the area immediately.
This came a day after the organization broke into a Hajen camp which includes dozens of families fleeing from ISIS controlled areas who were forced by SDF to stay in this camp, for extortion by SDF brokers who demand a thousand dollars for anyone wants to leave.
Ambiguity was master of the situation about “how did ISIS entered the camp?” and what happened later? Euphrates Post got a sure information that the camp which away only 3 kms of the battlefield in Hajen desert, raided by ISIS militants past Thursday, killed 4 of SDF guards who carry out the mission of guarding the camp, and captured 30 fighters, while others fled.
According to the source, who provided us with this information, the organization also transferred all the 150 families inside the camp to its controlled areas after withdrawing from the area which subjected to heavy shelling.
The source pointed out that about half of the civilians are from the families of fighters of the organization, some of them of Arab and foreign nationalities, then the militants put them in a place in the area of Shaafa, to decide what’s their charges, especially as some of these people are classified by the organization as “apostates.”
The sources also pointed out that among those kidnapped inside the camp were doctors and aid workers. ISIS militants also captured all the mechanisms that was inside the camp, which some of it belonging to the private property of the civilians living in the camp.
The organization has restarted fighting in the fronts again in the past three days, taking advantage of a dust storm that hit large parts of the province, on Wednesday night and Thursday, to launch an attack from several axes on the sites “SDF” in countryside of Bukamal east DeirEzzor.
Euphrates Post obtained information from inside the Hajen camp in the eastern countryside of DeirEzzor, confirming that members of SDF extorted civilians who had recently left the ISIS control areas who were detained inside the camp and prevented releasing them before paying a thousand dollars for each person.
Violations against civilians in Hajen camp which was established about two months ago didn’t limited to extortion, but also extended to ill-treatment, amid a situation of near-lack of services especially medical services.
Before the launching of its last military operation to expel the ISIS from its remaining areas east DeirEzzor, SDF set up camps for displaced civilians. these camps were distributed in the areas adjacent to Dranaj town, Abu Hamam and Hajen.
In this regard, it is worth mentioning that cases of corruption within the civilian’s camps were not limited to blackmailing civilians who wants to leave the place, but also that many of ISIS members and their families were released after paying a large amount of money to SDF fighters.
Over the past years, SDF established dozens of camps inside their controlled areas in Raqqa, DeirEzzor and Hasakah, included tens of thousands of civilians fleeing the areas controlled by ISIS.
These camps have been known for their poor services, in addition to the strictness of preventing their residents from leaving, to become similar to detention camps, the thing forcing many of those forced to stay there to pay huge amounts of money to SDF agents or brokers to leave.
What happened in Hajen camp? What’s the destiny of the kidnapped civilians?