The continued conflict between SDF and ISIS Organization with regard to civilians living in the area controlled by ISIS has stalled negotiations on the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the exit of civilians from the areas of the organization.
According to Euphrates Post correspondent in the eastern suburb of DeirEzzor, negotiations between the two parties during the past two days, but did not result in any decision, because ISIS requirement is opening the road between the town of Bhara and a Hajen city for the exit of civilians from their controlled areas, while the request was rejected by SDF.
For its part, SDF asked the organization to allow civilians to leave Shaafa-Aloni crossing, but ISIS refused this request without giving reasons. However, the information obtained by our correspondent indicates that the reason for the refusal was ISIS unwillingness of “demining planted between Hajen and Baghouz (along the desert).
The stalemate of the negotiations comes at a time when the siege is still being applied to some 50,000 civilians inside the ISIS controlled areas, in the absence of most foodstuffs and basic necessities of life, not to mention the continued aerial and artillery bombardment of their areas by the International Coalition, Iranian, Iraqi militias alike.
On the ground, SDF brought more military reinforcements to the vicinity of the last remaining enclave of the organization in the eastern suburb of DeirEzzor, while Iraqi jets raided on the towns of Sussa and Baghouz without obtaining information on the size of the casualties.
Sources to Euphrates Post on monday said: that an agreement had been reached between the “ISIS organization” and “SDF” to open the way for civilians wishing to leave, amid information indicating that the organization forced civilians to deal with smugglers on its part, and those smugglers wanted a huge amounts of money of each individual who wants to leave his region, but the differences that have returned to the surface again, canceled all of these plans, to conduct negotiations over two days reached deadlocks on Wednesday.
It is noteworthy that civilians in the towns and villages of DeirEzzor which under the control of ISIS, living in difficult humanitarian conditions, because of the siege imposed on them, in light of the military battles and shelling for months, which led to the loss of most basic food items, to depend on the dates and cattle meat in the region.
The control areas of ISIS organization extend from a Hajen city to the Syrian-Iraqi border, and include within it the city of Hajen and towns and villages of Shafa, Marashda, Bukhater, Bupadran, Sussa, Shejla, Baghouz Fwqani and Baghouz Tahtani